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Tutorial Blog to configure CodeDeploy to deploy an application on Amazon EC2 instance

Writer's picture: Vaibhav DeshpandeVaibhav Deshpande

Learning Objectives:  

  • Learn to create configure CodeDeploy.

  • Learn to create deploy WordPress on an Amazon EC2 instance.


Step 1: Create a role.

In AWS console, go to IAM, go to Roles, and choose Create role.

Under Select type of trusted entity, select AWS service. Under Choose a use case, select EC2. Under Select your use case, choose EC2. Choose Next: Permissions.

Search for and select the policy named AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy.


Choose Next: Review. Enter a name for the role (for example, EC2InstanceRoleForCodeDeploy).


Choose Create role.


Choose Create role.

Under Select trusted entity, choose AWS service. Under Use case, choose CodeDeploy. Choose CodeDeploy from the options listed. Choose Next.


The AWSCodeDeployRole managed policy is already attached to the role.

Choose Next.

Enter a name for the role (for example, CodeDeployServiceRole), and then choose Create role.


Choose Create role.


Step 2:  Create a EC2 instance.

Open the Amazon EC2 console at new tab.

Go to instances and choose Launch instances.

Under Name and tags, give name as my-wordpress.


In Application and OS Images. Here search/select Amazon Linux 2 AMI 



Choose an Instance Type over here.

Select General purpose type t2.micro Instance Type.

select existing key pair.

Choose an existing key pair option from the drop down.

In Network settings section, click edit to change the following.

a) In the Subnet field select on the drop-down list and select any one of the Subnets.

b) In the Auto-assign Public IP field select on the drop-down list and select Enable option.


Configure Security Group

a) Create a new security group and name it as WEBSERVER_SG

b) In the description enter the following text: Security Groups for webservers

c) Keep the default SSH rule and add a new rule. From the drop-down list select HTTP Rule.

d) Note - Warning: Rules with source of allow all IP addresses to access your instance. We recommend setting security group rules to allow access from known IP addresses only. Ignore this for this Tutorial.

e) While using this feature for production make sure the known IP address is entered.



In Advanced details, under IAM instance profile, attach EC2 instance role that you created previously (AmazonEC2RoleforCodeDeploy).


Keep rest as default and click on Launch instance.

Step 3: Now, go to CloudShell, which is at the bottom left corner of your console (or to the right of your search bar as well).

Once you click on the CloudShell icon, a terminal interface will appear as below.

Upload the file in CloudShell.

To upload the file, click on action button on top right corner of CloudShell and click on Upload file.


Select the file and click on open.


You can see your file is uploaded.


Call the unzipmkdircp, and rm commands to:

Unpack the master .zip file into the /tmp/WordPress_Temp directory (folder).

Copy its unzipped contents to the /tmp/WordPress destination folder.

Delete the temporary /tmp/WordPress_Temp folder and master file.

Run the commands one at a time:

unzip master -d /tmp/WordPress_Temp

mkdir -p /tmp/WordPress

cp -paf /tmp/WordPress_Temp/WordPress-master/* /tmp/WordPress

rm -rf /tmp/WordPress_Temp

Create a scripts directory in your copy of the WordPress source code:

mkdir -p /tmp/WordPress/scripts

ls /tmp/WordPress

Create an file in /tmp/WordPress/scripts.


nano /tmp/WordPress/scripts/

Add the following lines to the file. This script installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP.



sudo amazon-linux-extras install php7.4

sudo yum install -y httpd mariadb-server php


Note: Save the code by pressing CTRL+O and hit enter.

To exit from the file press CTRL+X.

Create a file in /tmp/WordPress/scripts.


nano /tmp/WordPress/scripts/

Add the following lines to the file. This script starts Apache and MySQL.



sudo systemctl start mariadb.service

sudo systemctl start httpd.service

sudo systemctl start php-fpm.service

Create a file in /tmp/WordPress/scripts.


nano /tmp/WordPress/scripts/

Add the following lines to the file. This script stops Apache and MySQL.


isExistApp=pgrep httpd

if [[ -n $isExistApp ]]; then

systemctl stop httpd.service


isExistApp=pgrep mysqld

if [[ -n $isExistApp ]]; then

systemctl stop mariadb.service


isExistApp=pgrep php-fpm

if [[ -n $isExistApp ]]; then

systemctl stop php-fpm.service


Create a file in /tmp/WordPress/scripts.


nano /tmp/WordPress/scripts/


Add the following lines to the file. This script uses MySQL to create a test database for WordPress to use.



mysql -uroot <<CREATE_TEST_DB



Finally, create a script in /tmp/WordPress/scripts


nano /tmp/WordPress/scripts/

This is used to change the folder permissions in Apache.


sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/WordPress

Give all the script’s executable permissions. On the command line, type:

chmod +x /tmp/WordPress/scripts/*

Create a file named appspec.yml.


nano /tmp/WordPress/appspec.yml


Add the following lines to the file:

version: 0.0

os: linux


  - source: /

    destination: /var/www/html/WordPress



    - location: scripts/

      timeout: 300

      runas: root


    - location: scripts/

      timeout: 300

      runas: root


    - location: scripts/

    - location: scripts/

      timeout: 300

      runas: root


    - location: scripts/

      timeout: 300

      runas: root


Step 4:

Call the mb command to create an Amazon S3 bucket named codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket:


aws s3 mb s3://codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket --region ap-south-1


On the development machine, switch to the folder where the files are stored:


cd /tmp/WordPress

Call the create-application command to register a new application named WordPress_App:

aws deploy create-application --application-name WordPress_App


Call the CodeDeploy push command to bundle the files together, upload the revisions to Amazon S3, and register information with CodeDeploy about the uploaded revision, all in one action.


aws deploy push \

  --application-name WordPress_App \

  --s3-location s3://codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket/ \



aws s3 ls s3://codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket


Step 5: Open EC2 instances and click on Connect.


sudo yum update -y

sudo yum install ruby -y

chmod +x ./install

sudo ./install auto

sudo systemctl status codedeploy-agent

Step 6: 

Now go to IAM service and go to the roles and click on CodeDroloyServiceRole, copy the ARN

Now that you have the service role ARN, call the create-deployment-group command to create a deployment group named WordPress_DepGroup, associated with the application named WordPress_App, using the Amazon EC2 tag named CodeDeployDemo, and deployment configuration named CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime


Note: Go back to CloudShell


Note: Replace by arn:aws:iam::account-no:role/CodeDeployServiceRole

 your CodeDeployServiceRole ARN.


aws deploy create-deployment-group \

  --application-name WordPress_App \

  --deployment-group-name WordPress_DepGroup \

  --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \

  --ec2-tag-filters Key=Name,Value=my-wordpress,Type=KEY_AND_VALUE \

  --service-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678958:role/CodeDeployServiceRole

Now call the create-deployment command to create a deployment associated with the application named WordPress_App, the deployment configuration named CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime, and the deployment group named WordPress_DepGroup, using the application revision named in the bucket named codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket:


aws deploy create-deployment \

  --application-name WordPress_App \

  --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime \

  --deployment-group-name WordPress_DepGroup \

 --s3-location bucket=codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket,bundleType=zip,

Get the deployment's ID by calling the list-deployments command against the application named WordPress_App and the deployment group named WordPress_DepGroup:


aws deploy list-deployments --application-name WordPress_App --deployment-group-name WordPress_DepGroup --query 'deployments' --output text

Go to CodeDeploy there you can see your App is Deployed.

Step 7: Login to WordPress

Go to EC2 and copy the Public IPv4 DNS.

Now paste URL/DNS in new browser along with /WordPress in the end.


This window will appear. Click on Let’s go!

Database: Name: test

Username: root

Password: keep blank

Rest is default and click on Submit.

Click on Run the installation.

Fill the following details accordingly. And click on install WordPress.

You will get the following window. Now click on Log In.

Now insert the details and login.


We have successfully Installed and login to WordPress. Now in the top left corner click on WordPress logo.

It will redirect you to this page.

Step 8: Update the application.

To update the application, Run the following command in CloudShell to open WordPress file.

nano /tmp/WordPress/wp-admin/about.php

Once the file is open find the word WordPress and add the following context before word WordPress.

Hi this is My update to the WordPress.

Note: Save the code by pressing CTRL+O and hit enter.

To exit from the file press CTRL+X.

Step 9: To update and redeploy the application, we need to zip and push revised code to S3 bucket.

Run the following command in CloudShell.

aws deploy push \

  --application-name WordPress_App \

  --s3-location s3://codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket/ \


Run the following command in to redeploy the application.

aws deploy create-deployment --application-name WordPress_App --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime --deployment-group-name WordPress_DepGroup --s3-location bucket=codedeploydemobucket-my-wordpress-bucket,bundleType=zip,

Now go back to your browser and refresh the page to check the update.

Here you can see your page is updated.

If you no longer need then you can delete the EC2 Instance, S3 bucket and application from CodeDeploy.

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Gokul M
Gokul M
Apr 11, 2024

It is easy to learn to configure codeDeploy to deploy an application with the help of this blog.


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Learning how to configure CodeDeploy to deploy an application with the help of this blog


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Learnt to configure CodeDeploy to deploy an application on Amazon EC2 instance

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